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  • Writer's pictureShannon Bryant

Final Answer

“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Tests and trials are a part of life in this fallen world. Oftentimes when going through the storm you don’t know which way to go. The storm is not passing over, the clouds are dark, and it seems as if it’s been raining forty days and forty nights. Sometimes there is a huge rapid downpour and it's over. Then there are other times when it just seems to linger on. The downpour or trickle can have your mind flooded with so many questions and random solutions but you don’t see an end in sight. I encourage you today to not be alarmed. Don’t panic. This is only a test.

I used to enjoy watching a popular game show where the host would ask a contestant multiple choice questions to win cash up to a million dollars. The questions would get increasingly more difficult and if they got too difficult the contestant could call a friend or poll the studio audience for help. This was called using a lifeline. The lifelines were never a sure shot at the answer and the contestant would have to choose between going with the lifeline or their own answer. The host would ask, “Is that your final answer?” Some would end up walking away empty handed, some were happy with walking away with some money, but few would win the top prize. The show’s test of the knowledge of the contestants was suspenseful and fun to watch. But in day to day life when we don’t have the answers in a trial it can be difficult.

Life is surely not a game and it’s not going to be easy all the time. The rain will let up, but it will rain again. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Yes, tribulation will come but we can be of good cheer. We have a lifeline; Jesus! Jesus is the Way. He is the way of salvation but He is also the way when we don’t know which direction to go. When we don’t have the answer, we can go to Him in prayer and in His word to receive instruction, wisdom and guidance.

Jesus is the Truth. With Jesus, we don’t have to haphazardly take chances or guess at the right answer when faced with times of adversity. He is the answer and our reference point. His written word is truth. When we read it, believe it, receive it, obey it, and pray it we will see His will revealed in our lives. His truth enables us to recognize a lie which gives us clarity in the choices we make in life.

Jesus is the Life. Jesus is the source of life, and He gave His life that we might have life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10) His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1:3) Jesus should be involved in and have influence over every aspect of our lives and decision making. As we seek Him and fully submit to His Lordship He will show us great and mighty things that we do not know. He will show you what to do, what not to do, or to do nothing at all, to just be still and know that He is God and He is working it out for your good because you love Him and you are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) In addition, because He is a God of exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, He’ll even give you peace in the storm.

So don’t panic, and don’t be alarmed. This is just a test of God’s elevation system. Find shelter immediately with God Almighty. Take cover under the blood of Jesus. Go immediately to the safest place, wrapped in your Father’s arms. Get protection under the shadow of the Almighty! When you can’t see your way, worship. When the going gets rough, go to the Rock. When your'e feeling low

go to the Most High! Surround your life with prayer. Be mindful to always have a fresh supply of praise. Know that in Christ even loss is gain if we are being made more like Him.

Abide in Christ always, so when the storm comes you won’t have to get ready, you’ll be ready. Jesus is the first and final answer! You never walk away empty handed when walking with Him. In Him you win every time. Don’t give up. Keep pressing toward the goal to win the prize of the upward call in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:14)

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