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Writer's pictureShannon Bryant

How Bad Do You Want Him?

How bad do you want it? As I’m winding down to the end of my workout, out of breath and anticipating the cool down the workout instructor emphatically says, “How bad do you want it?” “If you want it bad enough you won’t quit! Perseverance over perfection.” This encourages me to keep going even if I miss a move, no matter how bad it hurts or how tired I get. When fatigued I try my best to focus on the benefits which are better health and just to feel better. When I feel like I can’t go any further I remind myself that the workout is almost over and that helps me to push through the final minutes.

In our spiritual life we can experience fatigue and get worn out. Times of discouragement in life or ministry can leave us exhausted, despondent and even confused. In a wilderness state. You know when you feel lost, uncomfortable, discouraged, and disconnected? You’ve lost your zeal? You’re in a parched place but not thirsty. You push yourself to sip but no matter how much you read your bible, pray, and push yourself to worship nothing is quenching your thirst? You are still feeling spiritually dehydrated and disconnected from the stream of living waters. You may even feel like you are tired of “doing” church. The works don’t work and you’re not hearing from God. Your faith muscles are fatigued and you feel like you have no energy left. In these times we have to ask ourselves, “How bad do we want God?”

I believe we have all had times when we’re low on zeal and fervor. You know when your spiritual energy is depleted and you feel like you can barely keep going? What do we do when we hit these dry places in our spiritual walk and we feel like we can’t keep going? The answer is: KEEP GOING.

Though at times we may seem to be in a spiritual dry land know that God is still with you and He is actively working on your behalf. In times of what we feel is “spiritual bankruptcy” keep making deposits even if you “feel” like you aren’t getting anywhere. Deposit your praise and thanksgiving. Deposit your prayers and make sure to listen. God will give you a withdrawal, a comforting reassuring word in season if we are still and wait patiently with expectancy. Mediate on and remind yourself of His promises in His Word. These disciplines deposited into our spiritual lives guarantee a glorious return now and life eternal.

If you feel like your spiritual well has run dry, keep digging. You will eventually hit rivers of living water if you persevere. Just as on the beach digging in the sand and it keeps filling with water God is faithful to continue to fill us with His Spirit as we desperately seek Him.

There will be cycles in our spiritual lives. There will be times of extreme hunger, thirst and revelation. In those times of refreshing, divine revelation, keener spiritual insight, discernment and outpouring get the most out of it. Share with others as the Holy Spirit leads. Personally, I write down these times so in times of spiritual drought I can go back to it and draw from the streams while in the valley.

In times when we feel God is not near or hears--go deeper. Be determined that no matter how hard it gets, how bad it hurts, or how tired you get to be diligent and keep seeking God. Fast and pray. This prevents us from gradually drifting away from God. The thing about drifting is that you do know you are doing it until you are far off and that is a dangerous place to be.

God knows that we will have times of spiritual despondency, discouragement, discomfort and even discontent but He still calls us deeper still. We gain wisdom and direction in the Word of God, “Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually.” (1 Chronicles 16:11) This is a continual seek, no intermissions, or breaks. Unceasingly seek the Lord whether we feel like it or not. Whether we feel His presence or not.. We can’t let our feelings, emotions or circumstances take precedence over the sovereignty, holiness and faithfulness of God.

The extent of our seeking God depends on our desperation for Him, our determination to please Him and our love for Him. This has to be from a heart of obedience not on feelings alone. Feelings come and go but God never leaves and never changes. We can have as much as Him as we are willing to seek. God already knows that we would have times of drought. But we can be assured that He will revive us again and we will rejoice in Him. (Psalm 85:6)

We find wisdom, instruction and encouragement from Apostle Paul, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus also laid hold of me.” (Philippians 3:12)

God promises that we will reap if we faint not. Perseverance over perfection. How bad do you want Him? If you want God bad enough you won’t quit. Wait on the Lord be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord!

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