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Writer's pictureShannon Bryant


As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed Him into their home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what He taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and expressed that she thought it was unfair that she do all the work while her sister Mary just sat there. Jesus said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all the details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it and it will not be taken away from her.

I don't know about you but I can relate to Martha in many ways and as we continue on our journey I'm prompted to make a confession. It's difficult for me at times to just be still before the Lord. In my quiet time with Him, I pray, praise, and give thanks but I struggle to linger, learn, and listen.

Like a child on the first day of school, I struggle to stay "seated' and to pay attention to the Teacher. Mainly because my mind is racing about so many things. Though Martha was busy in a physical sense, I'm busier thinking of my to-do list for the day, and pressing issues in my life. Much like Martha, I love Jesus but I can tend to get overly concerned about the details. So much so that I can neglect the needful thing.

What is needed and the one thing to be concerned about is taking time to sit at the feet of Jesus. Unlike Martha, Mary seized the opportunity to spend time with Jesus. Though there was much to do and many distractions yet she chose to settle in with Jesus.

I've often reflected on this passage and thought, "Who would not seize this amazing opportunity to sit at His feet, spend time with, and be taught by Jesus Christ! I mean, Jesus in the flesh right there in the midst of them! Who would forfeit this incredible opportunity? Then I was gently corrected as this question was impressed upon my heart, "Are you not guilty of doing the same thing?" I'll be the first to raise my hand and say, "Yes."

Whether it's our minds being pulled by the happenings in our lives and/or the chaos in the world around us or just being super busy "doing" can cause us to be distracted and not take full opportunity of the most glorious, awe-inspiring privilege to have sweet communion with Jesus.

Let's join hearts in prayer:

Lord as Martha welcomed You into her home we welcome You to take up full residence in our hearts. Forgive us Lord for worrying and being upset over the details of life. Forgive us when You beckon us to wait and spend more time with You. Lord sometimes we rush out of Your presence; we petition and unburden our hearts but don't pause to hear what is on Your heart.

Sometimes it's hard to relax but we ask that You would settle our hearts and minds so that we are focused on You. Give us inner rest and tunnel vision in the Spirit, attentiveness in the heart so that the cares of this world grow dim in the light of Your glory. All else fades in Your presence Lord. Nothing can compare to You!

We choose today to linger.

To learn.

To listen.

To rest.

To bask.

We choose You.

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