In these times more than ever before you must know who you are in Christ. You not only have to know who God says you are, but you’ve also got to believe it. You’ve got to know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a child of the True and Living God and that He’s given you access to everything pertaining to life and godliness. In Christ, you are forgiven and set free! Persecution and offense will come to cause you to doubt your position, authority, and identity in Him. Know that you are more than a conqueror. Your identity is sealed in Christ. Therefore, abide in Him.
The enemy targets our identity to render us confused, discouraged, doubtful, double-minded, timid, hurt, and offended so that we will not fulfill our God-given purpose and walk in the fullness of the finished work of the cross. From the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden, he planted doubt in the mind of Eve by questioning what God said. "Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?" He even questioned Jesus' identity. "If You are the Son of God." (Matthew 4:6) His lure for us to doubt what God says and who He says we are, our identity in Christ, is a commonplace that he strikes.
He attempts to get us to second guess our inheritance in Christ and he will even aim his fiery darts at the tender parts of our hearts by stirring up dissension and relational conflict. He wants us full of offense, hurt, condemnation, and discouragement thus causing us to be stagnant in the things of God and conforming to the image of Christ. Letting go of offense is hard but we must endeavor to refuse it. Harden, not your heart and be determined to be anchored in love and the truth of God's Word.
We must know who we are and our inheritance as sons and daughters of the True and Living God. It's time to rise up and walk! Now is the time! As God's children, we must refuse to live beneath our God-given blood-bought life in Christ. We have access to all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places! We are above and not beneath and we can have as much we set our hearts to seek, setting our minds on things above where our true treasure is.
Father is Spirit and He is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. (John 4:24) God is Spirit and those who are children of God are led by the Spirit of God. (Romans 8:15) God is Spirit and those who belong to Him are seated in heavenly places, abiding in the secret place of the Most- High God. (Psalm 91:1) When we're determined to make dwelling in the secret place our permanent dwelling place we won’t be easily moved by the things that come to steal, kill and destroy. We won’t be so shaken by persecution, pestilence, or peril because we practice His presence. As surely as we rise, lie down, and move throughout the day be determined to make it our aim to commune with Him. Make prayer our life and our life a perpetual prayer.
Refuse to wander in the wilderness. Refuse to give up. Refuse to believe a lie for the truth. Refuse to bow down to discouragement. You know who you are! You are who God says you are! He is not a man that He should lie! He was very purposeful when He created us in His image. Press toward the mark of the high call! Believe His Word! Now go walk in it!
Live by the Spirit not your feelings. Live by the Spirit not for other’s applause but for the applause from above. Live by the Spirit, not by deep-seated hurt and offense. Live by the Spirit not by what it looks like to the natural eye. Live by the Spirit in obedience if for no other reason but that You love Jesus. Live by the Spirit and by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
May walls of offense be broken down. May forgiveness spring forth speedily. May disappointment and discouragement be dismantled. May every root of bitterness be brought low. We must let these hindrances go! May every lie be exposed and brought down to the obedience that is in Jesus Christ! (2 Corinthians 10:5) These are boulders that block the hand of God in our lives and the lives of those we pray for. You may be hurt, betrayed, or disappointed I admonish you to pray, give it over to God and tap into His heart and allow His heavenly reservoir to pour out His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness that He extends to you. Pray for those who hurt you. Bless them and don’t curse them. As far as it depends on you, pursue peace. It may not be reciprocated and reconciliation may not happen but you have the greatest love of all! The One who died and rose for you. Jesus! He is more than enough. He must be ALL.
Abide in Him. Abide in His Word. Abide in His love. By this God is glorified. His love will spill over from you to others. The offense will roll off of you like water. You'll respond more like Him. Walk more like Him. Forgive more like Him. Extend grace more like Him. Pray more like Him. Love more like Him; a beautiful extension of His heart demonstrated to a broken and lost world.
You, looking into the mirror of truth (God's Word) will be empowered to live unoffended, free, with true identity in Christ, and spiritual authority that is garnered from a life of constant abiding. Passed down. Steeped in. Delegated to you by God Almighty that will enable you to walk. Not cast down. Not destroyed. Not defeated. Not offended. Not discouraged. Not confused about who you are. But in the boldness, power, and the fullness of His Spirit. Walking free in the finished work of the cross! Transformed by the Lord of glory!
Now go! Be great! Be all that God calls you to be! Christ in you the hope of glory! Not by might. Nor by power. But by His Spirit!
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