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Writer's pictureShannon Bryant


Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Directly after Jesus’ baptism, He was led up into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted/tested by the devil. As I pondered this, I thought to myself, “Isn’t this much like life?” Shortly after a significant spiritual victory, there's usually a significant test.

Jesus quickly went from the glorious and holy immersion of baptism to the barren and desolate wilderness to be tempted by the evil one and it was the Holy Spirit that had just prior descended from heaven like a dove and rested on Him that led Him there.

Jesus went from being surrounded by crowds of people at His baptism to being suddenly in solitude with the enemy soon to appear. As you see and I’m sure you’ve experienced that in life things can change rather quickly.

Oftentimes after the victory, there is a test right behind and God in His love and providence prepares us. Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tested by the enemy but God is all- knowing and He knew what was up ahead and just as the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the enemy He prepared Jesus by drawing Him close to Himself in prayer and fasting.

There have been times in my life I've felt God leading me to fast and pray. There’s this evident inner nudge, a divine undeniable pull. A strong impression to humble myself, pray, fast, seek the Lord, get in His Word, and in those times, I am deeply blessed in the Lord, strengthened, spiritually attuned and God in His great love and providence was unbeknownst to me preparing me for what was ahead.

For Jesus this was the beginning of His ministry and a necessary part of His ministry as was His baptism. Jesus was baptized to be identified with us and be an example for us. In the same way, He was led into the wilderness to be identified with us. He would not only be able to identify with us in being tempted but sympathize with us, pray for us, and demonstrate to us how to submit to God, resist, and overcome the evil one.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Jesus submitted to God in prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting are empowerments to resist the devil and he will flee. The enemy was persistent, and consistent. He tempted Jesus three times. Just think about it, satan tempted the Son of Man, the Son of God, the long- awaited Messiah, God in the flesh repeatedly. Now think, what does he think about tempting us?

We take heart because God is with us, we have His armor and Jesus’ example. He combated every test with, “It is written”…. He quoted Scripture and the Sword of the Spirit slashed every temptation.

Jesus did not only fight with the Word, He is the Word, and He lived by the Word of God. Fighting with the word and living the by word are a dynamic duo of warfare.

To further build upon this truth let’s look at Jesus' response to the devil when he tempted Him, he said, “If you are the Son of God tell these stones to become loaves of bread, But Jesus told him, “It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:3-4)

We must not only know the word, we must believe the word (faith) and live by the word. When we submit to God and live by the Word of God. This empowers us to resist the enemy and he will flee.

I guess I’m being led to share all this to say, that during this time of prayer and fasting, I have been so blessed in the Lord. There was heightened warfare as well but I learned from Jesus' example that God's word works! Believing it. Meditation on it. Applying it. Hearing it. Saying it. Praying it. Hearing it. The Word is alive, active, most powerful, and working!

Now, tuning out of the things of this world, to be transparent, has not been easy because its so much going on and so many things fighting for my attention but for the most part, I was able to reduce the intake of “what’s happening now” and I must say my "peace meter" has risen to new heights.

 During this more focused time of seeking God, I’ve been able to carve out more time to spend with Him. Time I didn't even know I had. Time in His Word, not just for study but for delight.

I’ve been meditating more on God’s Word and even memorizing a couple of Scripture passages! Let me tell you, being intentional to meditate on God’s Word instead of ruminating on the problems is a game changer.  The Word is truly good medicine when you take it!


“My son, attend to my words; Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-23

A very significant and surprising take away for me, from fasting and prayer is that God blessed me to check in with me. To see how I was really doing. To slow down and examine myself in a different way. Showing me the places in my heart that needed to be mended in such a loving and gentle way from time spent with Him and in His Word.

The Word of God is like a mirror and now the reflection I see is beginning to look somewhat different. As I read and meditate on the Word what I see looking back at me is starting to look a bit different now.

See, for the most part in my life I’ve only seen and zoomed in on my inner and outer blotches, blemishes, the things that need to be corrected but God has so graciously been showing me; me. Who He created me to be. My inner me that resembles Himself. Made in His image. God is showing me and causing me to really believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Oh, we’ve all read the verse and I’ve read it over and over and so many times I cannot even begin to count but it never really sunk in. I never believed it and this affects so many areas in life.

But now I’m starting to see myself in a different light; God's Light, and let me tell you, when God shows you, when God speaks it to you, you believe it! It’s like the words jumped off the pages of the Bible and filled my heart.

Voids that I didn’t even realize I have been being filled, painful memories unlocked, confronted and concluded. Wells and waves of God's lavish love and care overwhelm me and I now get it. Being fearfully and wonderfully made has nothing to do with the outside, or the hidden anguish inside, it’s in Whose image I am made in. Every delicate inner part of me in my mother’s womb was created intentionally, masterfully for His glory.

I can FINALLY, join in with the psalmist, “Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.”

These are just a few of my “takeaways” for me, personally. There were many and God blessed exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask or think.

One thing for sure we make our plans and prayer lists but it's God's counsel that will stand. To my surprise, God mostly set my heart to listen to Him more. To not labor so much in prayer and just abide. Here I was all ready to go to war and it's like God said, "I have all this under control, Come to Me and just sit a while."

 It definitely, wasn't what I was expecting but God knew what I needed most and it is Him. I needed to yield to Him so I did; eventually. I have to admit there was some wrestling going on, me being busy doing. Having a difficult time settling down. Being still and knowing that He is God. I eventually conceded and was highly blessed for it.

My heart is full of gratitude today and I'm super blessed that I am a child of the King. He knows it all and He has it all under control.

He knows the beginning to the end and in His great providence blessed me to rest, refresh, heal, and prepare me to run the race set before me.

His faithfulness is beyond compare.

His love endures forever.

His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting….

He is the Exceeding Great Reward and I bless Him today and love Him forever.

I would love to hear from you if you feel led to share!


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